Antal Stevanecz

Antal Števanecz or Steffanecz (Slovene: Anton Števanec) (December 29, 1861 – April 12, 1921) was Slovene teacher and writer in Hungary.

Born was in Vanča vas, near Tišina (now in Prekmurje). His parents was Mátyás Stevanécz (sic!) and Zsuzsanna Rátnik. Learn was in Kőszeg. Practise like teacher first in Csurgó (1881–1884), the in Tišina (1881–1887), Heves (1887), Cankova (1887–1890). Between 1890 and 1898 live in Apátistvánfalva like teacher, cantor and notary.

In 1896 was publish his prayer book and hymn book in prekmurian language: Szrcé Jezus. The prayer and hymns was partway wrote from József Borovnyák. The Bishopric of Szombathely ban to the book in 1917.

Stevanecz was raffish and drunkard, the priest and major was turn Stevanecz adrift. Between 1898 and 1901 was live in Kerkakutas, then in Zalaháshágy. Here dead in 1921.

See also